- Anthracnose of Trees and Shrubs
- Apple Scab
- Black Knot
- Canker Diseases of Poplar
- Cedar-Apple Rust
- Chestnut Blight
- Crown Canker of Dogwood
- Cytospora Canker of Ornamentals
- Dogwood Anthracnose
- Downy Leafspot of Hickory
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Filbert Blight
- Forsythia Gall
- Hawthorn Leaf Blight
- Lilac Bacterial Blight
- Maple Decline
- Oak Leaf Blister
- Sudden Oak Death
- Tar Spot of Maple
- Tree Cankers
- Willow Black Canker
- Willow Botryosphaeria
- Willow Leaf Rust
- Willow Leucostoma Canker
- Willow Powdery Mildew
- Willow Scab